Using the natural environment

Free “Mindfulness in Nature” course in Helsby

RESIDENTS of the Frodsham and Helsby area can benefit from taking part in an eight-week free
“Mindfulness in Nature” course in Helsby this autumn.

As part of The Mersey Forest’s Natural Health Service, using the natural environment to
improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, two eight-week
courses are taking place at Helsby Community Centre.

The courses will be run by Bob Wheat, a qualified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, with
one session running on a Monday morning and the other on Monday afternoon during
the eight weeks, starting today (Monday, September 20)
Mindfulness in Nature is all about giving your body and brain the opportunity to rest and
relax, taking in all the wonderful surroundings of the natural environment. Each session
will involve using breathing and listening exercises, plus gentle Tai Chi movement to
encourage feeling both present and calm. The sessions are open to all adults and are
designed to be welcoming to complete beginners.
The practice of mindfulness has become much more popular over recent years. There is
a now a growing body of evidence to support its benefits for health and wellbeing,
including improved stress management and reduction in the risk of experiencing
Elizabeth Mason, co-ordinator for the Natural Health Service, said: “The mindfulness
in nature sessions encourage people to be more present and mindful, not just within the
sessions, but in everyday life. So many of us find ourselves caught up with the constant
stream of thoughts and business in our minds without really allowing the time and space
for our minds to rest. Practicing mindfulness can have really positive effects for mental
health which is so closely linked to our physical health, leading to other positive change in
the way we see ourselves and our lives.”
Bob Wheat explains how beneficial the course is for attendees: “All those that have been
stressed through Covid and the last 18 months would definitely benefit from taking part.
The comments from previous participants have been very positive and have improved
their life in many different ways. From increased confidence to improved sleeping,
enjoying nature to feeling more relaxed and less anxious.”
To find out more about the Mindfulness in Nature sessions in Helsby contact
either Elizabeth Mason on: 07541 691504 or e-mail: or call Bob Wheat on: 07507 013283.

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