MORE than £20,000 has been raised to support Frodsham’s Castle Park Arts Centre in its bid to install solar panels.
Frodsham Town Council has contributed £5,270 from its climate action budget to support the arts centre charity in their bid to install solar panels.
Cheshire West and Chester Council has boosted the fund raising enterprise with a total of £14,300 from its community innovation and climate change emergency funds.
And more than 60 Frodsham residents – many of them anonymously – have chipped in with amounts ranging from £3 to £100 to take the total raised to £20,998.
The money will be used to install solar panels on the roof of the popular arts centre, including the courtyard units.
The project will also require storage batteries to optimise energy generation and energy use.
Most of the roof space is south facing and should therefore benefit from capturing solar radiation.
Castle Park Arts Centre is a small self funding charity and recent increases in energy costs have caused severe financial pressure.
But generating its own electricity will greatly help the centre to cope.
Crucially, it will enable the gallery to continue to provide ongoing cultural activities for the community and support entertainment for the public.