Residents invited

Public must get involved in Frodsham Leisure Centre consultation

THERE is an urgent need for Frodsham people to become actively involved in the consultation currently being carried out by Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWAC) on the future of Frodsham Leisure Centre.
This was agreed at a meeting of Frodsham Town Council when it was stated the matter will be considered by CWAC’s cabinet in February.
Frodsham’s borough representatives, Cllr Lynn Riley and Cllr Chris Basey are working alongside Frodsham Town Council members to consult with the community on a variety of issues – including the leisure centre.
A working group has been established with town councillors Lucy Sumner, Pauline Lowrie and Bill Stockton as the council’s representatives.
An invitation has been issued to Frodsham Neighbourhood Plan to be part of the group.
Earlier this year, more than 1,700 people signed an online petition calling on CWAC to put money into the leisure centre.
The petition was organised by two local men, Adrian Reese and John Barrett amid fears the centre was in a deteriorating condition with a leaking roof and other problems and that the council could be deliberately neglecting the building with a view to closing it permanently.
But CWAC has denied there is any proposal to close the leisure centre – and indeed has accepted there is a need to consider the accessibility of a swimming pool for Frodsham.
A project group, including local stakeholders, will be set up in January and it is expected options can be developed by July. The proposals will be shared with the local community.

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