Where are the most expensive homes

Where are the most – and least – expensive homes in Frodsham?

WHERE are the most expensive homes in Frodsham – and do you live in one of them?

Conversely, do you have one of the least expensive properties in the town?
Professional fast sales company Property Solvers have been carrying out research based on average property sales data over the last five years, as obtained from HM Land Registry.
They have only included roads where at least three properties have sold in the last five years in an attempt not to skew the figures. They have come up with figures to show where, on average, they think the most and least expensive properties are.
Property Solvers stress that because their data only includes roads where at least three properties were sold, some sales are not included.
This means there will be properties in Frodsham which sold for more than those included in the survey – and also properties which sold for less.
And of course the figures take no account of the type or size of the properties.
According to Property Solvers, the most expensive addresses in Frodsham are, on average:
Howey Lane, £936,000
Red Lane, £686,666
Carriage Drive, £666.250
Stapleton Court, £623,333
Fluin Lane, £547,662
Main Street, £492,000
At the other end of the scale, the least expensive addresses are, on average:
Alvanley Terrace, £85,666
Riversdale, £109,666
Bridge Lane Mews, £121,708
Cobal Court, £131,545
Ship Street, £133,790
Bridgewater Close, £135,250
Homeowners, whether they live in one of the most, or least, expensive roads should be assured to know that over the last five years, property prices in Frodsham have risen by 40.25 per, say Property Solvers.
They have risen by 6.09 per cent in the last 12 months.
More information can be found at: www.propertysolvers.co.uk/sell-house-fast/

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