POLICE have noted a big increase in anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Frodsham since the easing of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.
Large groups of young people – teens and early 20s – have been gathering in areas such as the Memorial Field/Frodsham Hill, Castle Park, Townfield Lane Park and Saltworks Playing fields, according to PCSO Neil Flanagan.
In a report to Frodsham Town Council, he said: “They have been gathering and being noisy, drinking alcohol, using Nitrous Oxide, drug taking, criminal damage and littering.
“Whilst efforts have been made to patrol these areas, we have seen an unprecedented use of the areas mentioned, the likes of which I have not witnessed in my eight years covering Frodsham.
“Unfortunately due to the fact that we can’t cover everywhere all the time, we rely on members of the public to contact us via 101 as and when issues are occurring in order that we can deal with the issues in a timely and robust manner.
“ We have not been getting the levels of calls that I would have expected with people preferring to either comment on Social Media platforms or to simply email myself.
“I am obviously extremely keen to sort out these issues but emailing me is not the best way of sorting these issues out and I strongly urge people to ring 101 if and when they feel that ASB is taking place. Noise issues and littering are dealt with by Cheshire West and Chester Council so calls will need to be made to them for those types of ASB.
PCSO Flanaghan said during the initial period of lockdown, the streets, play areas and other areas of Frodsham were extremely quite, with the majority of residents, both young and old, adhering to Government guidelines.
This had changed since the easing of the lockdown.
On a positive note, PCSO Flanagan said he had helped promote the Frodsham Youth Association Summer Events in Castle Park which would run on a Thursday and Friday for three weeks, finishing on Saturday, August 22.
He was encouraging young people to sign up for this wonderful free event.
Food and drink was being provided free through the youth club.

Big increase in anti-social behaviour in Frodsham
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Niel may be suggesting ringing 101 the police non emergency number but that number is the one I have had cause to ring on to many occasions and the wuickest it has been answered was 13 minutes but I have waited over 45 minutes or even just gave up. The PCC should get this sorted out because I know of a few people who have not bothered reporting crimes because of the long wait or the way nothing gets done anyway. The police has been cut to the bone and the justice system is to weak in its dealings with the guilty. The motorist is punished more than a number of the local criminals. If any one doubts that just watch some of the policing programmes.