CCTV plan fo Frodsham – just two cameras!

THE “SECRET” plan for CCTV in Frodsham, drawn up by Cheshire West and Chester Council two years ago, envisages just two cameras.
This was revealed at the January meeting of Frodsham Town Council by CW&C member Cllr Lynn Riley.
And although a business case for the system had been established, funding had not been allocated.
Cllr Riley  (pictured)– leader of the opposition on CW@C – said neither she nor Frodsham’s other representative, Cllr Andrew Dawson, thought that two cameras would be sufficient.
“Let’s have a proper job,” she said.
The plan is for two cameras in the town centre, covering the A56 and Church Street..
Cllr Riley said she and Cllr Dawson had told CW@C officers they wanted more cameras covering the car parks, the medical centre and Castle Park.
They also believed cameras were needed in the Ship Street area.
But she said they had been “disappointed” by the response from the officers.
She accepted that there were ANPR cameras in Frodsham, which enabled police to track the registration numbers of cars entering or passing through, but these were no substitute for CCTV.
There did not appear to be any provision in CW@C’s budget for CCTV in Frodsham.
*As reported by Frodsham Life in December, Frodsham Town Council only discovered CW&C had drawn up a business case for CCTV in the town two years ago when a senior CW&C officer happened to mention it while attending a Frodsham meeting on another matter.

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