IT was a party to celebrate the new life now ahead of Frodsham’s Park Lane Play Area – but it also highlighted the community spirit that exists among local people.
More than 100 people turned up for the event, organised by campaign group The Friends of John Williamson, and enjoyed a bouncy castle, barbecue, party games, musical chairs, egg and spoon and sack races, a disco and much more. There were “goody bags” for children to take home.
They all had plenty to celebrate. Frodsham Town Council, which at one time planned to sell the play area for housing, has now agreed to fund new toddlers’ play equipment costing around £30,000, which will include provision for disabled children.
There is also every reason to hope further grant funding will be available later to create an outdoor “adult gym.”. The Park Lane Play Area’s future now seems secure.
The campaign group received plenty of help from the local community in organising the celebration. Frodsham Community Centre loaned folding tables and chairs. Local residents helped run the games, made cakes and ran the barbecue.
Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Alan Oulton – himself a long time campaigner for the play area – and his wife, Lorraine, were there.
Cllr Mark Nield said: “It was brilliant. It brought back memories of the Seventies.”
He said work should start on installing the new play equipment in about three weeks.
Cllr Pat Williamson said: “It was wonderful to see the community spirit, which is so important. It was just like it used to be when I was growing up. Let’s hope it helps revive community spirit all over Frodsham because that is what we need.”
It was a particularly moving occasion for Cllr Williamson. Her late husband John was a founder member of the campaign group, which adopted his name after his tragic death.
“John would have been over the moon about it,” she said. “He desperately wanted to save the play area and that is what has happened. He really would have been pleased.”

Celebrating a new life for Park Lane play area
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