Editor’s Comment July

WE doubt if there are too many people in Frodsham, where parking is currently free, who would like to see charges introduced.
Indeed, Cheshire West and Chester Council’s “Let’s Talk” consultation concluded that there is “significant concern” about the possibility of introducing parking charges in all areas where it is currently free.
Yet apparently the council is considering introducing charges, not just in Frodsham but in all areas where it is free.
We do not believe parking should be a party political issue but it seems to have become one locally – if only because charging has only been on the agenda since political control of the council changed at the last local election. Our view is that most Frodsham residents, whatever their political leanings, would prefer to be able to park for free – and that there is good reason for them to think thus.
There are really only two reasons for a council to charge for parking. One, as a traffic management measure and two, to make a profit.
There are those who will disagree, but we don’t think the current free parking policy in Frodsham causes too many problems most of the time. So we don’t need charging as a traffic management tool.
We are left, then, with the profit motive. Well the experience of other authorities suggests that far from putting money into the council’s coffers, most charging schemes actually lose money. Some make a thumping great loss.
Our advice to CW&C would be to forget charging for parking in Frodsham. It will only drive shoppers away and lead to more empty shops.


CONGRATULATIONS to Mike Amesbury on winning the Weaver Vale seat in the General Election – and commiserations to Graham Evans, who lost it.
We at Frodsham Life strive to be politically neutral, so we are less concerned about what party colours our MP wears and more about the amount of attention he, or she, gives to Frodsham and district.
Mr Evans did, in fact, devote considerable time to Frodsham, bearing in mind the size of the Weaver Vale constituency, and undoubtedly fell victim to the political tide which swept the country and caught more than a few people by surprise. We wish him well in the future.
We welcome Mr Amesbury and hope to see him just as active in our local communities.


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