FRODSHAM councillor Andrew Dawson has announced he is resigning to take up the position of Head of Legal Services to the Falkland Islands Government.
Cllr Dawson, who has represented the area for 13 years will be resigning as a Councillor for Frodsham serving on Cheshire West and Chester Council (‘CWaC’); and as a Councillor for Frodsham Lakes ward serving on Frodsham Town Council, with effect from the completion of CWaC’s ordinary council meeting, scheduled to take place on the evening of 22 October 2020.
In his resignation letter, he wrote: “It has been a great honour and privilege to serve the wonderful people and community of Frodsham for more than 13 years and to have strived hard to serve their interests as best I could for all of that time. It is truly humbling to reflect that over that period of time I have been elected eight times.
I well recall my first election in 2007 and the feelings I had of great apprehension. On that day in May I did not imagine for a moment that I would be elected let alone go on to be:
· town mayor; or to serve on
· Cheshire’s Police Authority; or
· Cheshire’s Police and Crime Panel; or to
· Represent the United Kingdom on the Council of Europe’s Congress of Regional and Local Authorities; and to
· participate in or lead international election observer missions such as to Turkey in 2019
….in addition to the various other roles and responsibilities, I have had as a serving councillor.
“None of this would have been possible had the people of Frodsham not placed their faith in me.
“I am leaving Frodsham later this month to take up the position of Head of Legal Services to the Falkland Islands Government. My eligibility and suitability for that role are due in no short measure to the experiences I have gained being a Frodsham Councillor. I have always said I became a better lawyer because I was a councillor and vice versa.
“Once I have completed my overseas assignment I fully expect to return to Frodsham – so this may not be the last time we are in correspondence!
“Whilst there have been some difficult and frustrating times over the last thirteen years (largely occurring when I wasn’t being listened to and then being proved right) I have had some wonderful experiences, met countless interesting people and have made many life-long friends.
“I wish both councils and everyone well for the future. Whatever the future brings for me I will always recall my time representing Frodsham on both councils with great fondness and humility.”