THE Cheshire Federation of WIs is celebrating 100 years of existence in 2020 and to celebrate this, each WI in the county was asked to plant a tree.
Frodsham WI thought it could do better than one tree – and planted 60 trees in various parts of the town in conjunction with Frodsham Town Council, the Friends of Hob Hey Wood and Castle Park Trust.
The trees, a mixture of cherry, rowan and silver birch were given free to the WI by The Woodland Trust.
Frodsham WI joint president, Vivien Shaw, said: “We thought planting trees was a brilliant way of marking Cheshire’s Centenary and we were keen to replace a copse of trees that was blown down or damaged three years ago. We hope in the future to see them growing and offering food and shelter to local wildlife.”
Pictured: Members of Frodsham WI planting trees in Manley Copse in Frodsham.From the left: Fiona Barry, Vivien Shaw, Gillian Harrison, Cllr. Caroline Ashton and Sylvia Clayton
Frodsham WI’s big tree planting celebration
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