Hospice presents online panto to provide Christmas cheer

PANTOMIMES have been cancelled across the country because of Covid-19 – but Halton Haven Hospice is presenting an online streaming of Sleeping Beauty.
They hope the production will provide a little Christmas cheer and also raise much needed funds for the hospice.
The hospice has partnered with the Original Online Panto Company who are streaming the panto everyone thought they wouldn’t see this year.
The show was filmed at the Brindley Theatre in Runcorn and has been digitally remastered, with extra special effects to delight homes, schools and clubs.
A two-hour performance, it costs only £15.49 and Halton Haven Hospice will receive a donation for every ticket bought through the website www.universe.com/hhh.
Funds will also be raised for the charities the Actors Benevolent fund and the Equity Benevolent Fund at a time when the entertainment industry has been ravaged by Covid-enforced closures.
Fundraising lead Ann Hedley said:“We deserve this little treat. It will raise much needed funds for the hospice but will also support those actors who can’t work this Christmas.So let’s get dressed up, bring the popcorn and have a laugh at some good old fashioned British humour.”
Further information:  ann.hedley@haltonhaven.co.uk 

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