A FRODSHAM woman and her son are to lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Lane in April next year – and would like to know if any local people are interested in joining them.
Mavis Thompson has led many such groups in the past and her son, Daniel, has assisted her twice – renewing his Baptism vows in the River Jordan two years ago.
They both love the experience of a pilgrimage – and they both feel they learn something new each time they go.
Mavis said: “Each time I go I learn something new about the country and its people and also how well many of the people get on together.
“I have laughed in the market with Arabs and laughed with Jewish children as they played football with their tassels flying in the wind.
“People go for many reasons – history, archaeology, bird spotting, flowers, choral singing, sunshine and warmth. To walk in places Jesu knew. The Bible definitely does become alive.
“It is beautiful country with dramatic landscapes from hills to desert and, of course, the oldest inhabited city, Jericho.
“Driving down the Jordan valley one can spot growing bananas, oranges, lemons, dates, vines, and pomegranates. I have picked and eaten dates.”
Mavis and Daniel both attend St Laurence Church, Frodsham.
Anyone interested in joining them on the pilgrimage or who would like more details can call Mavis on 01928 732 745 or email mavispudsey@talktalk.net
Mother and son to lead pilgrimage to Holy Land
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