windfarm donations

Seven projects share £60,000 in Frodsham windfarm hand-out

SEVEN projects will share £60,000 in the first round of community benefit payments to be made by Frodsham Windfarm Ltd.
They have been selected by the Marshes Community Benefit Fund (MCBF) from a total of 17 applications, totalling just over £200,000, competing for the first tranche of funding following construction of the windfarm.
The successful applicants have not yet been named but will be revealed in the next couple of weeks once agreements have been signed.
The MCBF panel of local residents closed entries in February for the first £60,000 of the annual £120,000 that will be available.
Since then, they have been busy over the last couple of months assessing the applications and clarifying details of the shortlisted community projects to ensure that they are capable of being delivered in accordance with the requirements of the Community Benefit Fund constitution.
The panel have notified the successful seven applicants.
The largest project has been awarded £30,000 and the smallest £250.
Projects that were not awarded funding in this round have also been notified.  Eligible schemes that were unsuccessful in this round can reapply for future rounds.
Panel chairman Dianne Walker said the panel members, all volunteering their time, had been working hard over the last two months reviewing the applications.
“They are looking forward to seeing the successful projects being developed, to benefit the residents in the areas surrounding our new wind farm. The panel have been very pleased with the high quality of applications received.”
Details of the fund and information on the application process can beobtained from the website
Applications for the next round of funds will close at the end of August 2017.
The Marshes Community Benefit Fund has been set up by Frodsham Wind Farm Ltd, a joint venture between Belltown Power and Peel Energy.
The £66m windfarm consists of 19 wind turbines on Frodsham Marshes adjacent to the Manchester Ship Canal and the Mersey Estuary.
Frodsham Wind Farm Limited is committed to providing an annual Community Benefit Fund (CBF) of £120,000 for community projects each year over the life of the wind farm.
Community groups, charities, schools, businesses and clubs may apply to the MCBF governing panel for grants varying from £150 to £60,000 towards not-for-profit projects which are designed to benefit the local communities.
Guidelines for applications and details of the award process are available on the MCBF website.

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