Town Council planners object to Goods Shed demolition

FIFTEEN members of the public turned up for a meeting of Frodsham Town Council’s planning committee when CW&C’s application to demolish the Goods Shed was on the agenda.
Main points made by the residents were that the Goods Shed was a heritage asset that should be retained, better alternatives were available for providing additional parking at the station, a park and ride scheme would be more sustainable and that a business proposal for the building was in the public domain and should be considered.
In addition, CW&C’s own consultation had shown that 73 per cent of respondents were opposed to demolition.
After considering the comments, the committee voted to object to the demolition – with councillors Caroline Ashton, Donna Critchley, Liam Jones and Adam Wordsworth in favour and Cllr Lord Frank Pennington abstaining.
The committee then voted to object to CW&C’s proposal to extend temporary planning consent for a the household waste site in Church Street, Frodsham, for another five years and instead support a one year extension to allow CW&C time to find an alternative site.
Main reasons for the objection were that the existing waste site is unsuitable for use and that if an alternative site could be found – possibly low-grade land in the Green Belt – the existing site could be converted to car parking and allowing retention of the Goods Shed.

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