Work set to start to make Frodsham Market COVID-19 safe

WORK will start this Sunday (June 26) on Main Street in a bid to make Frodsham Market COVID-19 safe.

Cheshire West & Chester Council’s Highway’s Commissioner visted Frodsham market yesterday (June 25) and agreed that the markets stalls need to be moved back into the parking bays to help with social distancing and to allow a more
uniform market along the footway.
Cheshire West & Chester Council has arranged the following maintenance works to be done on Sunday to help with the new arrangements.

Cleanse the gullies and drainage channels on the market side of Main Street and, if time allows, the other side of Main Street.
Remove the epicormic growth at the base of the trees and prune low level branches to allow for stall/canopies to be erected and to help pedestrians on the footways.
All trees will be looked at on Main Street / Church Street to see if they require pruning at low level.
Sweep the parking bays after drainage works and other identified areas if possible.
These works are programmed to start from 8am on Sunday to maximise the time available on Sunday when the traffic and parking is lighter. The work will inevitably generate some noise but the workers will be as considerate as possible to residents.
The parking bays will be signed and coned out beforehand so the parking bays are clear of vehicles.

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