POLICE are to consider using drones to track down users of unlawful electric bikes in the Frodsham area.
This was revealed at a meeting of Frodsham Town Council.
PCSO Neil Flanagan said there had been an increase in the use of electric bikes being ridden around Frodsham in recent weeks.
“We do have some names of possible offenders and I have put in a request to our Roads Policing team for the bike section to patrol the area with their scrambler bikes in order to deter and, hopefully, catch these individuals.”
PCSO Flanagan said police were continuing to receive complaints from residents on Bellemonte Road about vehicles gathering on the car park leading to the Memorial Fields, with bikers possibly taking and dealing with drugs in the area.
As a result, patrols in the area had been increased in the area, especially later in the evening. A number of people had been spoken to.
Anti-social behaviour was continuing to be an issue in the Ashton Drive, Clifton Crescent, Riversdale and Ship Street area, although the problem appeared to have eased with the demolition of Meadow Court.
Police patrols were continuing .